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Rongcheng minorca trading co. LTD

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Address: Xushan Industrial Park, Rongcheng City, Weihai, Shandong


Pan fried flatfish

Ingredients: flounder, lemon, onion, dill, light cream, white wine, sea salt, ground black pepper, butter

Practice: 1. Wash the flounder, put it in a deeper dish, evenly smear Shanghai salt, grinded black pepper and lemon juice, marinate for about half an hour. 2. Pour corn starch into another dish, evenly wrap the flounder in a layer and gently pat off the excess flour. Preserve the pickled lemon juice. 3. Heat non-stick pan, add butter (not reluctant, a little more butter fried before fragrant) until the butter melts and bubbles, put the flatfish fry over high heat until golden on both sides. After a few minutes, pour in a little white wine and stir it up. 4. raise the flounder, cut the onion grain and prepare the sauce. I planted lots of vanilla on the balcony. Dill is suitable for fish. 5. Put the remaining juice in the pot, add onion granules, light cream, white wine to boil over low heat, then add ground black pepper, taste, not salty enough salt, salty words add sugar. Add dill. The amount of sauces should be adjusted according to the amount of fish. 6. cook the sauce on the fish.

Butter flatfish:

Ingredients: flatfish, salt and butter.

Practice: 1. add butter and salt to cast iron pot and add flounder. 2. yellow on both sides.

Baked flounder with white wine

Ingredients: Italian vanilla, halibut steak, lemon peel, white wine, olive oil, onion, tomato, green pepper

Practice: 1., prepare the material of white wine baked flounder. 2. Tin paper with halibut steak, salt, pepper, lemon peel, onion powder, white wine, olive oil, Italian vanilla seasoning. 3. tin foil wrapped up. Preheat the oven, put it in the oven for 200 minutes, and bake for 10 minutes. 4. green peppers and tomato slices were mixed with white vinegar and placed beside flounder.

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